We present you our latest catalogue with an expanded assortment. New in our product range are ASK cam followers. Our whole program allows you uncountable possibilities to implement creative constructions. Consistent high quality of all our product series and sizes is guaranteeing the success of your products.
Finest materials in combination with an ultramodern production are part of our quality management as well as a consistent inspection of the individual components and the finished articles.You want to increase your workflow, design faster and more efficient? With us no problem: just use our 3-D CAD service available for most of our products upcoming soon on our homepage and compatible with your CAD-software. Prompt delivery is one of our outstanding assets.
We manage more than 15,000 different articles in our automated small parts warehouse. For you this means fast availability and therefore less inventory costs. Benefits you can count on. Quality from the beginning – designing and producing with ASK and ASKUBAL!