SIZP Steel / Bronze Series

SIZP Steel / Bronze Series rod end dimensions and technical data

LS Mafsal Kafa

Sliding contact surfaces Steel / Bronze

Bearing number




Load ratings kN



d B dK C1max d2 G h1 l3min l4 l5 l7 W d3 d4 rsmin  




SIZP4S1) 4.83 7.92 11.1 6.35 15.88 10-32 26.97 14.27 34.93 4.75 9 7.92 7.54 10.31 0.3 10 3.4 4.6 0.015
0.19 0.312 0.437 0.25 0.625 1.062 0.562 1.375 0.187 0.354 0.312 0.297 0.406 0.012
SIZP6S1) 6.35 9.53 12.7 7.14 19.05 1/4-28 33.32 19.05 42.85 4.75 10.5 9.53 9.15 11.91 0.3 13 4.5 7.7 0.025
0.25 0.375 0.5 0.281 0.75 1.312 0.75 1.687 0.187 0.413 0.375 0.36 0.469 0.012
SIZP7S 7.94 11.10 15.88 8.74 22.23 5/16-24 34.93 19.05 46.02 4.75 11.7 11.1 10.72 12.70 0.3 10 6.9 8.4 0.036
0.3125 0.437 0.625 0.344 0.875 1.375 0.75 1.812 0.187 0.461 0.437 0.422 0.5 0.012
SIZP9S 9.53 12.70 18.26 10.31 25.40 3/8-24 41.28 23.80 53.98 6.35 12.3 14.27 13.89 17.45 0.6 9 9.4 10 0.061
0.375 0.5 0.719 0.406 1 1.625 0.937 2.125 0.25 0.484 0.562 0.547 0.687 0.024
SIZP11S 11.11 14.27 20.62 11.1 28.58 7/16-20 46.02 26.97 60.33 6.35 14 15.88 15.49 19.05 0.6 11 11 13 0.081
0.4375 0.562 0.812 0.437 1.125 1.812 1.062 2.375 0.25 0.551 0.625 0.61 0.75 0.024
SIZP12S 12.7 15.88 23.81 12.7 33.32 1/2-20 53.98 30.15 70.64 6.35 16.2 19.05 18.67 22.23 0.6 9 15 19 0.133
0.5 0.625 0.937 0.5 1.312 2.125 1.187 2.781 0.25 0.638 0.75 0.735 0.875 0.024
SIZP15S 15.88 19.05 28.58 14.27 38.10 5/8-18 63.50 38.10 82.55 7.92 18.2 22.23 21.84 25.40 0.6 11 20 21 0.190
0.625 0.75 1.125 0.562 1.5 2.5 1.5 3.25 0.312 0.717 0.875 0.86 1 0.024
SIZP19S 19.05 22.23 33.32 17.45 44.45 3/4-16 73.03 44.45 95.25 7.92 20.9 25.4 25.02 28.58 0.6 10 29 29 0.285
0.75 0.875 1.312 0.687 1.75 2.875 1.75 3.75 0.312 0.823 1 0.985 1.125 0.024
SIZP25S 25.40 34.93 47.63 25.40 69.85 5/4-12 104.78 53.98 139.70 11.10 33.1 38.1 37.72 44.45 0.6 14 60 101 1.00
1 1.375 1.875 1 2.75 4.125 2.125 5.5 0.437 1.303 1.5 1.485 1.75 0.024


1) Can not be relubricated.

Can supply other rod ends with different accuracy of thread.LLHSILZP12S 1/2-20--UNF -2BLH For left-hand threadsuffix L is added to bearings number and suffix LH is added to thread sign

e.g. SILZP12S 1/2-20-UNF -2BLH.


The rod and inner ring of the bearings is of stainless steel and the mark of the items has a letter X.That is SIZPS/X..